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interface ITxBuildArgs {
inputs: [ ITxBuildInput, ...ITxBuildInput[] ], // TxBuildInput[] with length >= 1
changeAddress?: Address | AddressStr,
change?: ChangeInfos;
outputs?: ITxBuildOutput[],
readonlyRefInputs?: UTxO[],
requiredSigners?: PubKeyHash[],
collaterals?: UTxO[],
collateralReturn?: ITxBuildOutput,
mints?: ITxBuildMint[],
invalidBefore?: CanBeUInteger,
invalidAfter?: CanBeUInteger,
certificates?: ITxBuildCert[],
withdrawals?: ITxBuildWithdrawal[],
metadata?: TxMetadata,
protocolUpdateProposal?: ProtocolUpdateProposal

ITxBuildArgs is the interface that is used by txBuilder.buildSync to understand how to build a Tx.

The reuired arguments are inputs and either a change output or only a changeAddress needed for automatic fee calculation.

all the remaining fields are optional.

optional outputs

the outputs is optional too

if no outputs are specified all the input value is sent back to change.address (or changeAddress if no change is specified);


type: ITxBuildInput[]

a single input is described using ITxBuildInput

interface ITxBuildInput {
utxo: UTxO,
referenceScriptV2?: {
refUtxo: UTxO,
datum: CanBeData | "inline",
redeemer: CanBeData,
inputScript?: {
script: Script,
datum: CanBeData | "inline",
redeemer: CanBeData


required field, expects an instance of UTxO


an instance of Address or a bech32 encoded address (starting with "addr1" or "addr_test1" if in testnet);

will add an output to the specified address (in the last position in tx outputs ordering).


like changeAddress but with more control over the output

it also allows to set a datum and a refScript for the output

of course no value can be specified as it is calculated by the TxBuilder


an output is described using ITxBuildOutput

interface ITxBuildOutput {
address: Address,
value: Value,
datum?: Hash32 | CanBeData
refScript?: Script

it requires an Address and a Value;

optionally a datum which can be either an Hash32, anything Data-like. or undefined

if undefined no datum is attached. if instance of Hash32 the hash is attached in Plutus V1 style if anything Data-like an inline datum is attached (CIP-0032)

and the optional refScript

if undefined no script is attached. if instance of Script, the script is attached to the resulting UTxO (CIP-0033)



any addtional reference inputs CIP-0031



set of signers required by the transaction.

this field is the one esposed in the ScriptContext of a smart contract



collateral inputs needed for smart contract validation.



outputs specifying the return value from collaterals


interface ITxBuildMint {
value: Value
script: {
inline: Script
policyId: Hash32
redeemer: CanBeData
} | {
ref: UTxO
policyId: Hash32
redeemer: CanBeData

array of tokens to be minted or burned and respective minting policies.


value MUST have a single entry


type CanBeUInteger = number | bigint

the slot number after wich the transaction can be submited.


type CanBeUInteger = number | bigint

the slot number after wich the transaction can is rejected.


interface ITxBuildCert {
cert: AnyCertificate
script?: {
inline: Script
redeemer: CanBeData
} | {
ref: UTxO
redeemer: CanBeData

array of certificates to include in the transaction and respective (optional) stake validator scripts


interface interface ITxBuildWithdrawal {
withdrawal: {
rewardAccount: Hash28 | StakeAddress,
amount: Coin
script?: {
inline: Script
redeemer: CanBeData
} | {
ref: UTxO
redeemer: CanBeData

array of withdrawals to include in the transaction and respective (optional) stake validator scripts


type ITxMetadata = {
[metadatum_label: number | string]: TxMetadatum

class TxMetadata
constructor(metadata: ITxMetadata)
// ...

any metadata to include in the transaction


type ProtocolParametersUpdateMap = {
genesisHash: GenesisHash
changes: Partial<ProtocolParamters>

type ProtocolUpdateProposal = [ ProtocolParametersUpdateMap, Epoch ];

protocol update proposal to include in the transaciton.